Friday, July 2, 2010

Day 61
Some years back, I had battled an addiction to chicken biscuits, eventually cleaning up my act and quitting the MSG-laden stuff. I still like them very much, but I no longer buy them, so that I won’t backslide.

I've stayed off chicken biscuits for four years but late last year, when I was packing my hospital bag, I decided to give myself a treat and pack in a box of chicken biscuits to eat when I was in labour. A girl’s gotta keep her energy up, right?

But I went into the hospital so late, I didn’t have time to eat anything after all, so the chicken biscuits came home again. For months after, I resisted the urge to tear into the box because I know this will be my last box of the stuff for a long time.

But today, I gave in to temptation and did the act. Sadly, the biscuits did not taste good. They lacked a distinct chicken flavour; I might have been eating a highly-salted version of Ritz crackers, for all the flavour it had.

Oh well, this gives me less reason to crave them now.

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