Thursday, July 29, 2010

Day 110
Some Japanese dessert which looks better than it tastes. These sticks of whatever came with a small jug of syrup which was salty somemore.
Day 109
Guy who doesn’t look old enough to be smoking smokes a Shisha pipe.
Day 108
When I eat cherries, I swallow the stones. I swallow grape and watermelon seeds too. But I don’t do durian seeds.
Day 105
When I plan a holiday, I do it with an intensity akin to launching an invasion on the country. None of that group tour business for me.
Day 102
The Babycrat turns 6 months old today.
Day 99
A new way to keep the Babycrat entertained entails me holding him while sitting on a typist’s chair and spinning around and around at top speed. He loves it, but it always makes me want to puke. Old people cannot take this kind of high-speed thing lah.
Day 96
To my surprise, blueberries are white on the inside. How come?!

Day 93
Cupcakes from a friend's baby's full month party. I tried eating those alphabet blocks on the cupcake, only to realise they taste disgusting. I don't know what they're made of, but I hope it's not plastic.

Day 92
I ordered this handmade bag from a stall at the Maad Flea market where you could select your own fabric and ask for specific things such as a bigger pocket on the inside, or a zipper. Love.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Day 90
After the Tony Birthday Party, the Tony standee now, er, stands at Ms C's seat, which is next to mine. Now Tony oversees everything I do.
Day 89
My sister rented this jumperoo for the Babycrat to play with. This picture is made deliberately blur so that no one can see his bad haircut.
Day 86
Partial eclipse of the moon.
Day 85
Dinner at my desk on a late Friday night again. No one to buy food for me somemore.
Day 89
Day 87
In commemoration of Tony's Birthday.
Day 85
The photo of the Babycrat two days ago is the last you'll see of him with hair. Because, today, the Resident Bureaucrat butchered his hair. The Babycrat's hair was getting long and straggly, and because we were going to take a passport photo for him, the messy hair bothered the RB. I was going to trim the Babycrat's hair, but the RB wanted to do it himself. But apparently, his idea of "trimming" was to anyhow lop off scarily huge chunks of hair.

Guess how the Babycrat ended up looking in his passport photo. The irony.
Day 84
I love rainy days.
Day 83
Sorry, Babycrat photo again.
But I'm a Pukesome Mummy. I can't help it.
Day 82
The 8Days stood no chance after the Babycrat got his hands on it.

Day 81
The Babycrat celebrates Father's Day by biting very hard on the Resident Bureaucrat's finger. Who needs a teething ring?
Day 77
Someone bluffed me that Ang Mo Kio Garden had nice lotus flowers at its pond. When I went there, all I saw was a murky pond overrun by lotus plants gone wild. The pond water was a horrible sediment-y orange-brown and besides the crazy lotus plants, the surface of the pond was also covered with rotting bread, which I guess were thrown in to feed the monsters lurking in the waters beneath.

There was a no swimming sign planted right in the middle of the pond and I chortled when I saw it. Even if I wanted to commit suicide, I wouldn't do it by swimming in this pond.
Day 75
I asked my mother to dig up photos of me as a baby because I was quite sure the Babycrat was starting to resemble me when I was a baby, and I was right. Finally, proof that I gave birth to the Babycrat.

Day 74
The long and lonely road of life. When will someone come and release me from the eternal trap of doomnedness?

Okay, I'm so going to get karma for mocking Club Snap captions.

Day 73
This half papaya was shrink wrapped and then left in the fridge so long, the seeds started sprouting. Gross.

Day 72
I was supposed to take another photo for today, but when I reached home at 8pm, I laid down on the bed intending to take what was to be a short nap, but woke up only 6 hours later, at 2am. So today's photo will have to be yet another photo of the Babycrat which I anyhow took during the day.
Day 71
Nothing like a walk on the office rooftop to shake off the post-lunch slump.
Day 70

Day 66
We visited the Maad flea market at the Red Dot Museum today. There was a bunch of artists from oicsingapore ( sketching portraits there, and while being kpo and poking my nose around them, I was persuaded to pose for them.
The rules are simple. You pose for one group of artists for 20 minutes, and at the end of it, if you like what they've drawn, you can buy it for $10 each. If you don't like anything, you don't have to buy it.
I ended up buying two portraits - because I liked the watercolour one for its colour, and the other one, I liked that it looked like a manga drawing.
Day 63
Have sling will travel.
Day 61
Some years back, I had battled an addiction to chicken biscuits, eventually cleaning up my act and quitting the MSG-laden stuff. I still like them very much, but I no longer buy them, so that I won’t backslide.

I've stayed off chicken biscuits for four years but late last year, when I was packing my hospital bag, I decided to give myself a treat and pack in a box of chicken biscuits to eat when I was in labour. A girl’s gotta keep her energy up, right?

But I went into the hospital so late, I didn’t have time to eat anything after all, so the chicken biscuits came home again. For months after, I resisted the urge to tear into the box because I know this will be my last box of the stuff for a long time.

But today, I gave in to temptation and did the act. Sadly, the biscuits did not taste good. They lacked a distinct chicken flavour; I might have been eating a highly-salted version of Ritz crackers, for all the flavour it had.

Oh well, this gives me less reason to crave them now.
Day 60The Resident Bureaucrat loves taking a shower so much, his own daily shower routine takes at whole 45 minutes. I fear the Babycrat may have inherited his love for the bathroom.
Day 60
The Resident Bureaucrat loves taking a shower so much, his own daily shower routine takes at whole 45 minutes. Here, he is bathing the Babycrat. From the Babycrat's expression, I fear the he may have inherited his father's love for the bathroom.
Day 59
The saleseople at Raoul didn’t blink when I followed the Resident Bureaucrat into the changing room when he went to try on their shirts. Oh and did I mention that I pushed the stroller with the Babycrat into the changing room as well? Big changing rooms, they have.
Day 58
Bakerzin is our drug. We are hooked on their scrumptious cakes. That Bakerzin keeps coming up with one-for-one promotions on their cakes, and discounting different flavours every month does not help one bit. The cakes we have tried so far are: Walnut cheesecake, blueberry cheesecake, peanut butter cheesecake, New York cheesecake, three different types of chocolate cake and, finally, today, strawberry shortcake.

Yes, we buy whole cakes, not slices. Yes, Bakerzin is laughing all the way to the bank because of us.
Day 57
When I saw G eat this dish of beef sheng mian last week, it made my lunch of yong tau hoo soup look miserable and immediately unappetising. I was determined to eat this today. And I'm happy to report that it tastes as good as it looks.

Day 55
Today marks yet another major milestone for me: With the Babycrat strapped to my body, I managed to take him to the pediatrician by public transport, shop at Orchard, have a meal and even go to the loo all on my own. Here, he is sitting on my lap while I eat at Ginza Bairin.
Day 54
I used to think nursing mothers who went to mass breastfeeding events and sit-ins were making too big a deal out of nursing. Until I became a nursing mother myself and realised the importance of making a statement about how breastfeeding is NOT a shameful thing - and that breastmilk is not an unmentionable.

Nursing mothers are only trying to give our babies the best thing we have, and if anyone thinks that breastfeeding is a dirty word and that nursing mothers should be kept far away from the sight of the public, shame on their archaic attitude.

I dedicate today's photo to all nursing mothers.
Day 53
After our photowalk at Tiong Bahru on a blazing hot Sunday, we retreated to the hawker centre for a refreshing ice cold drink while Ms M entertained us nonstop with her stories.

Day 52

This is where I live.

(Alfie, the funniest person known to mankind, says: You live in your car?)
Day 51
This is a very sad vending machine I saw at work. Maybe it's not making enough money from the sale of drinks - hence the handwritten and makeshift labels.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Day 50
A colleague had given me this baby float for the Babycrat to play with. While taking it home, I took the office lift which also stopped at the gym. I was hoping someone in the lift would ask me why I was carrying that float, because I had the perfect answer. "Swimming lessons", I would reply with a deadpan expression. Alas, no one asked me about the float. (It is, by the way, not a float meant for swimming lessons.)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Food photography course at The White Rabbit.

Ironically, I didn't get to taste any of the dishes because there was only one of each dish for the 10 of us to shoot. I'm guessing the waiters took the dishes back to the kitchen later, microwaved them and ate the food themselves. Dang. What I would give for a taste of that lobster.
Day 49
Dried up corn husk from the past two days.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day 48
Following our inane conversation on sweet corn, in which the Resident Bureaucrat neither admitted nor denied that he disliked corn, I asked him whether he was going to help eat the corn I bought if I steamed it. He said no, but added that if I removed the kernels from the cob, he would.

So I painstakingly peeled out all the kernels using my thumb, which he then ate. But until now, I'm still not sure what he feels about corn.