Monday, April 5, 2010

Day 4

View from the tower at Lower Seletar Reservoir. There's something primeval about this scene that reminds me of Jurassic Park.

Other shots that didn't make the cut:

We had a heck of a time finding our way to this reservoir because I was so sure of the way, I didn't want to check the road directory. "It's on Mandai Road. On the way to the zoo," I said confidently. "I am very sure. It's the one-lane road that leads to the zoo."

So the Resident Bureaucrat drove up the road that led up to the zoo, but we saw no signs of the reservoir.

"Are you sure of the way??" he asked. I swore on my own life that I was. But when we finally pulled up at the entrance of the zoo with no sight of the reservoir, I was forced to recant my swear and look up the road directory.

As it turned out, the reservoir was located on the old road that led to the zoo, and the Resident Bureaucrat had driven up the new road to the zoo.

Who would have known that they would build a new road leading up to the zoo? The Resident Bureaucrat says my memory of the old zoo road must have stemmed from my primary school days, when policemen wore shorts. I suppose he may have a point.

So, my burning question is, why is it that I can remember things from 20 years ago, but cannot remember what I ate for lunch yesterday?

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